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For the 2024 CSP Residency season, we will be doing individual applications and announcing host sites and projects individually. If you have previously received a residency, please wait three years before applying again.


2024 California Society of Printmakers Artist in Residence 

Juried by host:

Graphic Arts Workshop, San Francisco, CA


Project submissions due 6/14/2024.

Selected artist will be notified by 6/28/2024.

The residency at Graphic Arts Workshop will begin 9/14/2024.


What is the CSP Artist in Residence?:

The California Society of Printmakers presents a variety of short residency opportunities for current CSP members. Selections will be made by host Printmakers.

The Graphic Arts Workshop, or GAW, was founded by faculty from the California Labor College in 1952. Over the years, the GAW membership has included many distinguished artists, undertaken national and international art exchanges, and hosted traveling exhibits. Today, the cooperative has approximately 23 members working in traditional fine art printmaking techniques.

What areas of Printmaking can I apply to pursue?:

Equipment includes Sturges etching press and American French etching press, Griffin litho press (large and small), litho stones, rollers, Vandercook letterpress, aquatint boxes, heating plates, acid room, and some equipment for silk screen. Residents must complete 15 hours of supervision before they can use equipment on their own. Once the 15 hours are completed, the resident will have 24/7 access to GAW.



CSP Artist membership must be current.


There is a $25 submission fee to submit proposals with up to 10 images. All images must be of work completed within the last 3 years.

Artist application deadline: 6/14/2024.

All submissions must be submitted through SUBMITTABLE.

Hardcopy and email submissions are no longer accepted.


More on the Jurors:

Mark Brodie: Photography had been my primary artistic outlet for the last 30 years but I’ve always had an appreciation for works on paper, so I was not surprised to find myself combining the two processes using photography with photopolymer plates, also referred to as solarplates.

Clare Metague: After graduating from CCA in Oakland, Clare enjoyed many years working as a graphic artist before turning her attention to the fine arts — initially to figure drawing and painting — later in-depth exploration in the fine art of printmaking. Clare has a studio at the Hunter's Point Shipyards and is a member of City Arts Gallery in San Francisco where she often exhibits her monoprints and paintings.

Eddie Lee: I have been exploring different types of printing techniques: letterpress, monotype, dry points, linoleum cuts, wood cut and other unconventional techniques.

Leslie Lowinger: Leslie Lowinger was born in New Orleans grew up in Detroit.  She lived in New York for 15 years and  San Francisco for the last twelve.  Her work has been shown various places including: Dolby Chadwick Gallery in San Francisco, Foundation 3.14 in  Norway and Fashion Moda, New York. She has received a N Y S C A Independent Artist’s Grant and is the collection of the DIA Foundation.

Toru Sugita: Sugita is an artist who recently moved back to the Bay Area from Grand Junction, Colorado. Originally from a small town in Japan, he has traveled around the world. Toru is active in the visual arts, especially printmaking and painting.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.