The California Society of Printmakers (CSP) is a non-profit 501(c) arts organization which promotes the practice and appreciation of fine art contemporary printmaking. Our mission is to support both the integrity of traditional printmaking and provide a home for artists  exploring new directions in contemporary print methods. Currently, CSP has a membership of nearly 300 artists, and welcomes new members each summer and winter. 

Please note, should your application for any CSP activity be accepted, materials and images submitted may be used in social media, online, digital and/or printed publicity.

Entry fees collected for CSP activities are considered charitable donations and may be fully tax deductible, depending on the tax laws of your homeland.

California Society of Printmakers (CSP) Honorary Member Guidelines
 The purpose of the Honorary Member category is to honor individuals who have a history of major, sustained contributions to the practice of printmaking based on work in the field by an artist, historian, curator, or related arts professional in any country.

 Please submit a short letter outlining your nominee's accomplishments in the field of printmaking and the reasons that you feel they would make a great California Society of Printmakers honorary member.
 You are encouraged to submit supporting images, link(s) to an artist website, publications or other relevant information.


• One or more printmakers, art historians, curators, or related arts professionals may be honored at a CSP annual meeting.
 • Current members of the CSP Board of Directors are not eligible for honorary status.


• Life-time paid CSP membership with all rights and privileges of CSP artist members.
 • Access to a broad base of independent printmakers.
 • Opportunity to participate in Society events such as exhibitions, studio visits, panel discussions.
 • Opportunity to join the CSP listserv for information on exhibition opportunities, exhibitions, printmakers in the news, printmaking materials for sale, workshops, etc.
 • Receipt of all CSP publications and mailings.


• We ask that nomination packs be received by  Feb. 1 for consideration in the current calendar year. For late nominations, please submit using this form and contact or

Nomination Procedures:

• Nominations are made in the form of a letter written under one or more signatures by CSP artist members, or CSP honorary members.
 • Nomination packets should include one or more letters of support for the nomination, including why you feel your nominee should receive this award, the nominee’s biographical information, and any relevant supporting documentation. Supporting letters may be submitted by both members and non-members.
 • All nomination packets will become property of the CSP Archives at the Bancroft Library, University of California.
 • Nomination packets may be submitted in one of two ways:

  1. Electronically via this submittable application (enter materials below).
  2. By email to the current CSP Vice President:

• The decision of the CSP Board of Directors is final.

Adopted by the CSP Board of Directors Aug. 19, 2014


Membership in the CSP is open to artists from anywhere in the world who create hand-pulled prints. This includes artists who use traditional printmaking techniques, such as etching, lithography, relief printing, and silk screen. It also includes artists who make hybrid prints, monoprints, and artist books, so long as some hand printmaking is involved. Artists who use solely photographic or digital methods are not eligible for artist membership. Artist Members are juried into the organization by a review committee of current and past members of the CSP Board.     

An application for artist membership requires the following.

  • 10 images of recent work (completed within the last 3 years  -                                                                          Winter Application after 2021 / Spring Application after 2022)
  • Artist Bio (500 word count maximum)
  • Artist Statement (500 word count maximum)
  • Community Participation Statement (500 word count maximum)
  • Image list
  • Optional Technical Note (500 word count maximum)
  • $35 application fee (non-refundable)

Book artists should submit three books produced in the past three years. It is recommended that each book project has a minimum of three images submitted for review. Books must include at least one original print that meets the criteria above.

Artists may submit installations using print work produced in the past three years. It is recommended that each installation project has a minimum of three images submitted for review. Installations must include at least one original print that meets the criteria above.

Portfolio Requirements: Please submit a cohesive body of similar work that demonstrates your personal vision, rather than a sampling of unrelated works.  Images must be clear and of quality and demonstrate professional presentation.  Submitted works must be current (or completed in the last three years -  Winter Application after 2021 / Spring Application after 2022).   

Review Criteria: In reviewing your work, the following 5 benchmarks would contribute to a successful submission:

1. Consistent Artistic Vision: Artistic vision is exceptionally clear, innovative, and consistently maintained.

2. Original Thought and Engagement: Exhibits exceptional originality, thought, and  engagement with the content.

3. Artist Statement: Conceptual Engagement and Articulation: Artist statement demonstrates strong conceptual engagement and effectively articulates ideas present in the work.

4. Technical Competence: Work displays consistent and high-level technical competence with the media used.

5. Professional Documentation/Presentation: Work is professionally documented and presented, adhering to or exceeding established standards for clarity, neutral background, and appropriate presentation.

*Note - Student applicants are expected to employ the same standard and quality of work as Artist member applicants, with fewer work samples submitted.

Applicants will be notified within 30 days of the portfolio review deadline (June 1st and December 1st.) The $35 application fee is non-refundable. There is no limit on the number of times an artist may apply for membership.

New Member Dues

Annual membership dues are collected upon acceptance into the Society. Members admitted between January 1 and September 1 pay full membership dues for the year in which they are admitted, and during the January 1 membership renewal each year thereafter.


California Society of Printmakers (CSP), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is the oldest printmaking organization in the nation. Originally founded in 1912 as the California Society of Etchers, it reflected a surge of printmaking activity in both the West and nationally during the early part of the century. From its inception, membership has been open to printmakers around the world. In 1968 the California Society of Etchers merged with the Bay Area Printmakers to form the present California Society of Printmakers.       

Student members (enrolled in college or university full time) will be juried into the organization by current and past members of the CSP Board. Digital portfolio reviews for membership, via Submittable, are held twice a year in the summer and winter. Membership is open to artists from anywhere in the world who create hand-pulled prints, including etching, lithography, relief printing, and screen printing. It also includes hybrid prints, monoprints, and artist books so long as some hand printmaking is involved. Artists who use solely photographic or digital methods are not eligible for artist membership. Student members are entitled to full membership benefits but pay a significantly reduced membership fee. With membership, students will be eligible for the following benefits:      

Annual Members Exhibition. CSP presents an annual non-juried exhibition for its Artist Members. This exhibition is usually held in the San Francisco Bay Area.      
Juried Exhibitions. CSP also sponsors juried exhibitions for its Artist Members in a variety of venues. Although many are held in the Bay Area, others have been held throughout the country and internationally.      
Artist-In-Residence. CSP sponsors a season of short residencies for two or three selected CSP members. Selections are made by the Master Printmakers from around the Bay Area. Each Master Printer receives a stipend to support the work of the CSP member working   in the area of specialty of the Master Printmaker.      
CSP Members Email. CSP group email provides members with information on CSP events and exhibitions, artist opportunities, and other information of interest to the membership. Members are encouraged to post information about their own exhibitions and other items of professional interest.      
CSP Publications. Members receive The California Printmaker: The Journal of the California Society of Printmakers once a year.   
Member Events. The CSP presents informational panels, talks, and workshops several times a year, where members can learn about issues in printmaking and about specific printmaking techniques. These events give members an opportunity to network and exchange professional expertise.      
Annual Meeting. At the CSP Annual meeting, an invited speaker or artist panel discusses topics of interest to printmakers. The annual meeting also provides an opportunity for members to meet other print artists and supporters of the print arts, learn of upcoming CSP opportunities and programs, and share food and beverages in a lively, informal setting.      
Kala Art Institute Discount. Take 10% off all classes and workshops. All CSP members are entitled to a special ongoing offer from KALA ART INSTITUTE. Located in West Berkeley, Kala offers some of the best printmaking and digital media classes in the Bay Area. Browse classes online at Then call Kala at 510-549-2977 to register and take advantage of the discount.      

An application for student membership requires the following.

  • 5 images of recent work
  • Artist Bio (500 word count maximum)
  • Artist Statement (500 word count maximum)
  • Community Participation Statement (500 word count maximum)
  • Image list
  • Optional Technical Note (500 word count maximum)
  • $20 application fee (non-refundable)

Book artists should submit three books produced in the past three years. It is recommended that each book project has a minimum of three images submitted for review. Books must include at least one original print that meets the criteria above.

Artists may submit installations using print work produced in the past three years. It is recommended that each installation project has a minimum of three images submitted for review. Installations must include at least one original print that meets the criteria above.

Portfolio Requirements: Please submit a cohesive body of similar work that demonstrates your personal vision, rather than a sampling of unrelated works.  Images must be clear and of quality and demonstrate professional presentation.  Submitted works must be current (or completed in the last three years).   

Review Criteria: In reviewing your work, the following 5 benchmarks would contribute to a successful submission:

1. Consistent Artistic Vision: Artistic vision is exceptionally clear, innovative, and consistently maintained.

2. Original Thought and Engagement: Exhibits exceptional originality, thought, and  engagement with the content.

3. Artist Statement: Conceptual Engagement and Articulation: Artist statement demonstrates strong conceptual engagement and effectively articulates ideas present in the work.

4. Technical Competence: Work displays consistent and high-level technical competence with the media used.

5. Professional Documentation/Presentation: Work is professionally documented and presented, adhering to or exceeding established standards for clarity, neutral background, and appropriate presentation.

See Artist Resources for links to professional documentation standards and tips

*Note - Student applicants are expected to employ the same standard and quality of work as Artist member applicants, with fewer work samples submitted.

New Member Dues

Annual membership dues are collected upon acceptance into the Society. Members admitted between January 1 and September 1 pay full membership dues for the year in which they are admitted, and during the January 1 membership renewal each year thereafter.

Applicants will be notified within 30 days of the portfolio review deadline (June 1st and December 1st.) The $20 application fee is non-refundable. There is no limit on the number of times an artist may apply for membership

California Society of Printmakers